Tire Replacement & Maintenance

Vehicles Tire Center in Buffalo, NY at Basil Auto Group

Safety deserves the greatest amount of attention when getting into your vehicle. As soon as it’s in motion, you want to make sure you can perform turns, stops, and accelerations with the amount of control you expect. That’s why it’s so important to know when your tire treads wear down and need replacing, especially during seasons where road conditions become more hazardous. Schedule car maintenance or repair with us for the ultimate Basil Service Experience. Our dedicated staff will provide you with unmatched support in record time.

How to know when to replace your tires

On average, a tire lasts somewhere between 25,000 to 50,000 miles before needing replacement. However, there’s a tried and true method of knowing exactly how much life you have left on your tires. Knowing this can be the difference of genuine safety on your next commute as well as saving you from buying new tires too early and hurting your wallet.

The Penny Test

The Penny Test

  1. Put a penny facing heads up between your tire treads.
  2. Turn the coin upside down and align Lincoln’s head with the tread level.
  3. If Lincoln’s head remains mostly covered, your tire doesn’t need replacing. But if the tread level leaves Lincoln’s head exposed, you’ll need to replace your tires as soon as possible.

How to Maintain Your Tires

If you want to save money or frequent visits to replace your tires, follow some of these simple tips:

Change Driving Routine

Change Driving Routine

Naturally, driving less can help preserve your treads, but changing your driving routine altogether can also improve your tire’s lifespan. Do your best to avoid surfaces on the road that would cause unnecessary stress on your tire tread. Things like driving over bumps, potholes, or through standing pools of water can wear your tread down, as well as making hard turns or brakes.

Check Tire pressure

Check Tire pressure

Always remember to take some time every month to check on your tire pressure. It’s commonly known that about a pound per square inch – or PSI – of pressure escapes from your tire per month. Tires with lower air pressure than recommended put added stress on the treads. Don’t forget your pressure can lower more in the winter and rise higher in the summer.

Regularly align and rotate tires

Regularly align and rotate tires

We recommend you realign your tires at least every half year. Over time, your wheels can become misaligned when you hit bumps, potholes, or parking blocks. We also recommend you rotate your tires every 5,000 miles to make sure they don’t wear down unevenly.

Why Choose Basil Services

You might have various options for where you get your new tires, but here at Basil Family Dealerships, we put a lot of care into your maintenance needs. Thanks to our eleven trusted auto repair shops near Buffalo and a wide set of service specials we make sure we treat you as a member of the Basil Family Dealerships.

We also make sure any repairs and replacements use genuine OEM components when you visit any of our parts centers. Join our VIP Service Club and Engine 4 Life Warranty program for expert advice you can take home.